One Week Out

Heyyyy lovies 😍  

Welcome back!  Hope you’ve all had an amazing week. 

Colorado has had quite a cold and snowy winter.  The last few days have been no exception, with lotsa snow and freezing temps.  My body has started to yearn for the warmth that I know Maui will provide.  It does make it a little tricky on the packing and flying end of things.  However, I’ve just kind of decided that I’m either going to be too hot or too cold on the plane and I’ll adjust my layers as I need to.  Besides, going with the flow is the name of my game right now 😎.

Tonight I’m cozied up on my bed, buried beneath several fluffy blankets and typing this.  My suitcases, about 80% full, are staring at me from the corner of the room and appear to be asking how many more times they’ll be expected to undergo ANOTHER round of “How much do I really think I’ll wear this?”, or “How could I forget socks?!” (…or hats, or extra pens, or cotton swabs, or that reef-safe lotion).

I must have packed and unpacked at least 3 times now.  If this trip didn’t require me to be gone from my home base for so long, I think all this back and forth would normally make me look crazy.  But I’m just trying to be prepared and pack as light as possible, while making sure I have everything I need - which includes at least 14 yoga outfits because we’ll be practicing twice a day and it’s warm and humid there.  So, there’s that 20 pounds of clothing to contend with working around, but ya best believe that I'm not complaining!

This week was busy, busy with me running around tying up loose ends before I leave, visiting with peeps that I won’t see for a hot second (y’all act like I’m going to be gone forever 😂), conditioning my body for my upcoming training, and getting snowed in while visiting the mountains.  Top all of that off with having to cancel my anticipated trip to Houston to see a couple of my sibs and their families, and you know I felt like I was being pulled in a bunch of different directions.  But, because the snowstorm required that I slow down mid-week, I was granted a brief reprieve from all of it and was able to unwind for a couple days.  There’s absolutely nothing that compares to being able to experience a big, fresh snowfall in the mountains; it’s one of my favorite things, and it was perfectly beautiful.  

All that being said, my life feels a bit surreal presently, and I know I’ve said that before, but it’s true.  I’m processing *a helluva lot* right now, and at lightning speed…about life and growth and love (or the absence of it) and gratitude and about how the world works these days as a divorcee, and what it feels like when I sit with it all…

You would think that I didn’t have time, or space, or additional bandwidth to learn anything more, but then there’s also yoga. 


I’m about to dive deep into what surely will be the best solo trip of my life.  I can’t wait to explore the island, witness the world-renowned sunrises and sunsets, see the turtles and dolphins and whales, eat fresh fruit and vegetables from the permaculture farm where I’ll be staying/learning/healing/growing/expanding, seeing my first real waterfall(s), playing on pretty beaches and swimming in the salty sea.

It's going to be glorious, and it will fill my cup.  I absolutely know it will, because I can feel the faint stirrings of my heart whispering to the rest of my body, saying to me to “go and search out that illusive missing piece”.  And, maybe this will be where I’ll find it, that long thread leading me to all that I could ever hope for and desire.  We’ll see.  

For now, I look forward to my eventual slumber in the little zen-nest I've created for myself.

I’ll be making it a goal to post every other day from now until I return from my trip, and at the end of each post, I’ll be asking a question for you to contemplate until we meet again.  Today I’d like for you to think about what makes you tick, (Is it your family?  Your kids?  Your partner?  Your job?  Travel?  Making the world a better place?).  What would you do if you woke up one day to realize that you no longer had access to that inspiration?

I hope you all have a great rest of your weekend – do something fun and hug someone you love 💚

XO - M.


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